Sexta Parte, Despues del difícil año 1969 The Doors Iniciaría una, excelente y exitosa gira por estados unidos, Llevando acabo magníficas presentaciones, interpretando temas de su nuevo disco Morrison Hotel, incluso interpretando temas de l.a woman y algunos temas inéditos interpretados sólo en vivo.
"Music Is Your Only Friend, Until The End"
01 – The Celebration of The Lizard
02 – Build Me A Woman
03 – Gloria
04 – The Spy
05 - Carol
06 – Someday Soon
07 – When The Music's Over
08 – Been Down So Long
Tracks 1-2: Felt Forum; New York, NY; January 17, 1970
Track 3: Felt Forum; New York, NY; January 18, 1970
Track 4: Boston Arena; Boston, MA; April 10, 1970
Track 5: The Spectrum; Philadelphia, PA; May 1, 1970
Tracks 6-7: Pittsburgh Civic Arena; Pittsburgh, PA; May 2, 1970
Track 8: Cobo Hall; Detroit, Michigan; May 8, 1970
"Music Is Your Only Friend, Until The End"
01 – The Celebration of The Lizard
02 – Build Me A Woman
03 – Gloria
04 – The Spy
05 - Carol
06 – Someday Soon
07 – When The Music's Over
08 – Been Down So Long
Tracks 1-2: Felt Forum; New York, NY; January 17, 1970
Track 3: Felt Forum; New York, NY; January 18, 1970
Track 4: Boston Arena; Boston, MA; April 10, 1970
Track 5: The Spectrum; Philadelphia, PA; May 1, 1970
Tracks 6-7: Pittsburgh Civic Arena; Pittsburgh, PA; May 2, 1970
Track 8: Cobo Hall; Detroit, Michigan; May 8, 1970
password: solodoorsianos
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